Design Fiction

A futuring and research through design technique, that allows design to ask questions. Design fiction is the process of designing/narrating a fictitious product/concept that combines design, facts and science fiction. It is another method to dream of what could be possible in the near future.

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A design anthropology technique used for capturing participant’s Practice (recurring activities), Episodes (something that occurs out of the ordinary), Encounters(rarer than an episode), Roles people play and Interpersonal relationships.

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Future workshop

A Co-Creative technique where researcher along with participants goes through critique, Fantasy and implementation phase. Critique is the phase of criticizing the existing process/product, In fantasy phase people discuss about the ideal future possibilities and implementation is to phase is to brainstorm the ways of implementing ideas i.e., bridge the gap between visions and reality.

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Participatory design

A Co-Creative design technique that allows the involves designing with people, there by ensuring that the community that the design is targeted to, has a hand in the design process as well as to ensure that the design caters to the “Actual” needs of the community.

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Speculative Design

A futuring and research through design technique, that allows design to ask questions. Speculative design is the one that allows to fantasize and go beyond the wall of present day reality. While the ultimate design is still grounded to reality, it is inspirational and allows people to dream.

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A Co-Creative technique that involves participants to initiate discussion, thoughts and ideas. Different tool kits like emotional/ sensitizing/ experience/ story line/ cognitive tool kits allow participants to express their thoughts through artifacts/workbooks that the toolkit is comprised of.

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