
Your next door recycling robot


Context: A UX research/design project to enhance recyclable waste management experience for the local community of Bloomington, Indiana. The project was designed to redirect movement of reusables through community and was a part of the graduate coursework.

Team: Kamala Payyapilly Thiruvenkatanathan, Riya Rana, Sawyer Collins, Soha Shewale

Duration: 3 Months (February 2020 - May 2020)

Process: Research, Synthesis, Ideation, Prototyping

Design Tools: Adobe Illustrator, Paper & Pen, Post its

My Role: As the User researcher I was responsible for conducting on field research including walking probes and contextual inquiries. I also led the design and development of toolkits as a part of the of early stages of user research, as well as responsible for consolidating the documentation and reports. Having said that, every member of the team had equal involvement in each phase of the project.

