July: I successfully defended my Ph.D. dissertation and became Dr. Kamala!
June: Our workshop, Caring for Reproductive Justice: Design in Response to Adversity, was accepted at CSCW ‘24.
May: I started working as a UX Researcher for Google (via User Research International).
March: I have been connecting with people on ADPList, let's chat!
November: Three of the eight CHI ‘24 papers I reviewed received special recognition for outstanding reviews.
May: I will be joining Google NYC this summer as a UX Research Intern.
March: I was awarded the Gary Marsden Travel Award by SIGCHI and Penn State Global Graduate Student Travel Grant to support my travel to CHI ‘23. I will be attending CHI ‘23 in Hamburg, Germany, as a Student Volunteer.
February: My position paper, Navigating Trauma and Healing: From Pregnancy Loss to Motherhood, was accepted at the Collective Healing to Support Design Futures workshop, CHI ‘23.
January: I started volunteering as a Data and Research Contributor at FemHealth Insights. Check out my article Endometriosis: Impacts & 4 Innovations to Know About.
October: I passed my Comprehensive exam, defending my dissertation proposal. I am officially ABD (All but Dissertation). I was also featured in the Women’s Health Research Cluster Blog, Behind the Science: Designing for Pregnancy After Loss, With and Through Technology.
June: I joined Cisco as a UX Research Intern this summer. I also presented my poster Re-imagining FemTech: A Design Research Approach to Women’s Health Informatics at HCIC ‘22.
May: I was one of the two researchers selected by the Penn State School of IST to attend HCIC ‘22.
January: I was selected to participate in the CRA-WP Grad Cohort for Women ‘22.
October: I was one of the publicity student Volunteers at UIST ‘21. Checkout our blog post here.
August: I won the CSCW ‘21 student volunteer postcard design competition.
May: I passed my Qualifying Exam. I am officially a Ph.D. candidate!
August: I transferred to a fully funded Ph.D. program in Informatics (Human Computer Interaction), at The Pennsylvania State University.
May: I started working as a Graduate Research Assistant at the CRIT lab.
August: I started my Masters in Human Computer Interaction and Design at Indiana University.